How many hours should you surf a day?


Shortboards have been around since the 1960s when surfing was becoming more popular. They were designed to be shorter and more maneuverable than longboards, which were popular at the time. Today, shortboards are the go-to choice for experienced surfers who want to ride the waves with speed and agility.

Choosing the right shortboard can be overwhelming, especially if you're new to surfing. It's important to consider your skill level, weight, and the type of waves you'll be riding. Our team of experts recommends trying out different sizes and shapes to find the one that feels most comfortable for you.

In conclusion, shortboards are an essential part of surfing culture and have become increasingly popular over the years. Their maneuverability and performance make them the go-to choice for experienced surfers who want to ride the waves with speed and agility. Proper maintenance is crucial to keep your shortboard in top condition, and choosing the right size and shape is essential for an enjoyable surfing experience.



Welcome to our comprehensive guide on surfing! We understand that surfing can be an exhilarating and challenging sport that requires practice, patience, and dedication. In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about surfing, from the equipment you need to the techniques you can use to catch the perfect wave.

The first thing you need to know about surfing is the equipment you need. To start surfing, you will need a surfboard, a leash, and a wetsuit. Surfboards come in different shapes and sizes, and it is important to choose the right one for your skill level and the conditions you will be surfing in. A longer board is better for beginners because it is easier to paddle and catch waves.

Once you have the right equipment, the next step is to learn the techniques of surfing. The most important technique is paddling, which involves using your arms to propel yourself through the water. The key to effective paddling is to keep your arms straight and use your shoulders to generate power. Once you have caught a wave, the next technique is to pop up, which involves pushing yourself up from a lying position to a standing position on the board. The key to effective pop-ups is to push up quickly and smoothly while keeping your weight forward.

Safety is a crucial aspect of surfing that should not be overlooked. Before entering the water, it is important to check the conditions, such as the size of the waves and the strength of the current. It is also important to know your limits and not attempt to surf in conditions that are beyond your skill level. Always surf with a buddy and never surf alone. In addition, it is important to respect other surfers and the local community by following surf etiquette and respecting the environment.

In conclusion, surfing is an exciting and challenging sport that requires practice, patience, and dedication. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you can improve your surfing skills and enjoy the thrill of catching the perfect wave. Remember to always prioritize safety and respect the ocean and fellow surfers. We hope you have found this guide helpful and informative.

sup surfing

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to SUP surfing! If you're looking for an exhilarating way to experience the ocean, stand-up paddle (SUP) surfing is an excellent choice. It's a unique water sport that combines surfing, paddling, and balance, giving you a complete body workout while having fun.

SUP surfing is gaining popularity all around the world because of its many benefits. Here are some reasons why you should try SUP surfing:

  1. Full-body workout: SUP surfing requires strength, balance, and endurance, making it an excellent way to work out your entire body.
  2. Easy to learn: Unlike traditional surfing, SUP surfing is easy to learn. You don't need to be a skilled surfer to enjoy it.
  3. Versatility: SUP surfing can be done in different types of water conditions, from calm lakes to choppy seas.
  4. Relaxation: SUP surfing is a great way to relieve stress and enjoy the beauty of nature.
  5. Social sport: SUP surfing can be done alone or with friends, making it a great way to socialize and meet new people.

SUP surfing is an excellent water sport that offers fun, fitness, and adventure. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced paddler, our expert tips will help you get the most out of your SUP surfing experience.

Remember to choose the right gear

sup surfing
surf breaks

surf breaks

Welcome to the wonderful world of surf breaks in Portugal! If you're looking for a surfing destination that offers consistent waves, warm weather, and stunning scenery, Portugal should be at the top of your list. With over 800km of coastline and a variety of breaks to choose from.

Portugal is a surfer's paradise that offers a variety of breaks to suit all levels. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, Portugal has something to offer. From the big waves of Nazaré and Praia do Norte to the charming surf town of Ericeira or Costa da Caparica and the stunning scenery of Sagres, Portugal is a must-visit destination for surfers from around the world.

Surf Lessons

stand up paddling

Are you looking for an exhilarating way to enjoy the great outdoors while also getting a full-body workout? Look no further than stand up paddling! This rapidly growing water sport is the perfect activity for adventurers of all ages and skill levels. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know to become a master of stand up paddling and make the most of your time on the water.

Getting Started with Stand Up Paddling

Stand up paddling, or SUP for short, involves standing on a large, stable board and using a long paddle to propel yourself through the water.

Stand up paddling is a fun, exciting way to stay active and explore the great outdoors. With the right gear and some practice, you'll be a master of the water in no time.

stand up paddling
surf culture
surf culture

Surfing has been around for centuries, and its roots can be traced back to the Polynesians who used it as a means of transportation and fishing. However, it wasn't until the early 20th century that surfing began to gain popularity in the Western world. In the 1950s and 60s, surf culture exploded in California, with surfers developing their own unique style and fashion.

The Beach Boys' hit song "Surfin' USA" in 1963 further propelled surf culture into the mainstream. Today, surf culture has spread across the globe, with surfers in every corner of the world embracing the lifestyle.

The Lifestyle

Surf culture is not just about surfing; it is about the lifestyle that comes with it. Surfing is a way of life that involves a deep connection to the ocean and nature. Surfers are often seen as free-spirited individuals who have a unique outlook on life. They are passionate about the environment, fitness, and wellbeing.

The surf lifestyle is also reflected in fashion. Surf brands have become a staple in the fashion industry, with their beachy, laid-back aesthetic being embraced by people worldwide. From board shorts to wetsuits, surfwear is now considered trendy and fashionable.

The Community

Surf culture has a strong sense of community. Surfers often share a bond that transcends language, culture, and borders. The ocean is a shared space, and surfers understand the importance of respecting it and each other.

Surf competitions are also a big part of the surf community. They bring together surfers from all over the world to showcase their skills and passion for the sport. Surfing events have become a social gathering, where people can connect and share their love for the ocean.

The Future of Surf Culture

Surf culture has come a long way since its inception, and it shows no signs of slowing down. With the rise of social media and the internet, surf culture has become more accessible than ever. Surfing is now considered an Olympic sport, which will only increase its popularity and exposure.

As the world becomes more conscious of the environment, surf culture is at the forefront of promoting sustainability and eco-friendliness. Many surf brands are now focusing on creating products that are environmentally friendly and sustainable.

In conclusion, surf culture is more than just a sport; it is a lifestyle. It encompasses a deep love and respect for the ocean, nature, and community. The surf culture has evolved over time, but its spirit remains the same. Surfing is a sport that brings joy and fulfilment to those who embrace it, and its popularity will only continue to grow.

big wave

What are Big Waves?

Big waves are waves that are taller than 20 feet and are formed in the open ocean. They are created by extreme weather conditions such as storms or strong winds. Big waves have been a significant part of surfing culture for many years and have become an attraction for surfers and spectators alike. The allure of big waves lies in the thrill and excitement of riding them, as well as the risk and danger that comes with it.

The History of Big Wave Surfing

The history of big wave surfing can be traced back to the early 1900s when surfers in Hawaii began to ride waves that were bigger than what was previously thought possible. Duke Kahanamoku, known as the "father of modern surfing," is credited with popularizing big wave surfing. In the 1950s and 1960s, surfers in California began to push the limits of big wave surfing, exploring new spots such as Mavericks and Waimea Bay.

In the 1990s, the advent of tow-in surfing revolutionized big wave surfing. Surfers could now be towed into waves that were previously thought to be unrideable, opening up a whole new realm of possibilities for the sport. The tow-in era saw the emergence of big wave surfers such as Laird Hamilton and Dave Kalama, who became household names in the surfing world.

The Danger of Big Wave Surfing

Big wave surfing is not for the faint of heart. The risk and danger involved in riding waves of this magnitude are extreme, and it takes a special kind of person to be able to handle it. Surfers risk injury and even death every time they paddle out into the ocean, making safety and preparation critical components of big wave surfing.

Surfers must be physically and mentally prepared for the challenges that come with big wave surfing. They must have the proper equipment, such as a buoyancy vest, and be trained in water safety and rescue techniques. In addition, surfers must have a deep understanding of the ocean and its patterns, as well as the ability to read and predict wave behavior.

The Future of Big Wave Surfing

Big wave surfing continues to evolve and push the boundaries of what is possible. Surfers are constantly exploring new spots and finding ways to ride bigger and more challenging waves. The rise of technology and the use of drones have also opened up new opportunities for surfers to explore and ride waves that were previously inaccessible.

In conclusion, big wave surfing is a thrilling and exciting sport that requires skill, courage, and preparation. It has a rich history that dates back over a century and has played a significant role in shaping the surfing culture we know today. As the sport continues to evolve, we can expect to see surfers pushing the limits and riding waves that were once thought to be impossible.

big wave